Silencing The Little Bitchy Gremlin


Hello fellow Hunters! Often times I find myself looking down the well of self-doubt. It’s not a view of myself I am most proud of but it happens from time to time. For me it usually comes when I finish writing one of my short stories or when I am about to perform on stage.  That is when that nagging little voice speaks the loudest.

The voice I so lovingly dub “THE LITTLE BITCHY GREMLIN!”

Now this gremlin will take his/her horn, hold it up to my ears and  whisper soothing words like, “you suck,” “you will never make it,” “you’re not talented enough,” “you will never attain your goals,” ” you’re too young for this or too old for that.” Oh and my favorite,” put down those Girl Scout Thin Mints or you will start to resemble Borat in a lime green bathing suit”!

Although, my bitchy little gremlin might have a point on the Thin Mint topic, I have learned how to drown out its wicked little banter.

First, neutralize the negative thoughts by infusing them with inspirational words. No, I am not talking about going all Viola Davis from “The Help” chanting (in my best southern accent) You is Kind, You is Smart, You is Important”… Unless that’s what floats your boat. Then have at it. Instead I take a deep breath and repeat the phrase “I choose my happiness, my doubt is based on fear not fact and I release it.”  Then I think of all the things both past and present, that inspires me and made want to become a writer and a dancer…Then I smile!

Lastly, I put on my playlist called “Feel Good Music (sorry no creative name there)” in my iTunes library. These are all the songs that either makes me want to immediately jump up and dance or the words inspire me to keep on moving.

I encourage you to find those few things in life that will keep you revved up and passionate about your journey towards your goals, in other words, capture your own little butterfly.

Here is a sneak peek of my playlist.

1. Summer sun – Koop
2. Closer to my dreams – Goapele
3. Coming Back Around – Pete Simpson
4. Empire State of Mind – Alicia Keys and Jay – Z
5. Breathe – Telepopmusik
6. Journey – Don’t Stop Believing (best karaoke song!)
7. Run the World (Girls) – Beyoncé
8. Love and Happiness – La India (version)
9. Feeling Good – The Quantic Soul Orchestra Feat. Alice Russell
10. Don’t Stop Dancing Girl – Kaskade Feat. Haley

Bonus: Ride to California ~ Paper Tongues (I am obsessed with this song)

Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone…

i miss you copy


I know… I know… you don’t have to say it! I have been gone too long! Please accept my deepest apologies my fellow hunters. The Huntress has been busy networking and building connections for my upcoming book. Unfortunately, I had to take a step back from the blog to chase some literary butterflies. But have no fear I am back with new adventures and more witty banter! Stay tuned for fresh posts that would make you go hmmm…

I have received a few emails of people telling me that they do not know how to follow my blog. Well it’s easy! All you have to do is look at the right side of the blog and click the “Follow” button. Please pass my blog on to your friends, family or enemies! Heck all are welcome into fold. 🙂

Until we meet again! Keep chasing your dreams!